links:: advanced Playwright MOC

Chapter 1.1 - Optimizing Authentication - Demoqa Site Example

Chapter 1.1 - Optimizing Authentication - Demoqa Site Example


  1. Seems like when
    1. storage file is created using Firefox browser, it cannot be used by tests running in Chrome.
    2. storage file is created using Chrome browser, it can be used by tests running in Firefox.



import { test } from '@playwright/test';
import ProfilePage from '../pages/profile-page';
import pages from '../../utils/pages';

let profilePage: ProfilePage;

test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
    await page.goto(pages.profile);
    profilePage = new ProfilePage(page);

test.describe.only('Profile - Stored Auth', () => {
    test('Check logged in', async () => {
        await profilePage.checkLoggedIn();


import { type Page, type Locator , expect, type BrowserContext } from '@playwright/test';
import bookListData from '../../data/book-list-data';
import apiPaths from '../../utils/apiPaths';

class SearchPage {
  readonly page: Page;
  readonly bookAdminLabel: Locator;
  readonly booksCollectionRequestRegExp: RegExp;
  readonly bookUserLabel: Locator;
  readonly gridRow1: Locator;
  readonly gridRow2: Locator;
  readonly notLoggedInLabel: Locator;
  readonly searchField: Locator;
  readonly titleHeaderLabel: Locator;
  constructor(page: Page) { = page;
    this.bookAdminLabel = page.getByText('Eloquent JavaScript, Second Edition');
    this.booksCollectionRequestRegExp = new RegExp(apiPaths.account);
    this.bookUserLabel = page.getByText('Understanding ECMAScript 6');
    this.gridRow1 = page.locator('div:nth-child(1) > .rt-tr > div:nth-child(2)').last();
    this.gridRow2 = page.locator('div:nth-child(2) > .rt-tr > div:nth-child(2)');
    this.notLoggedInLabel = page.getByText('Currently you are not logged into the Book Store application, please visit the login page to enter or register page to register yourself.');
    this.searchField = page.getByPlaceholder('Type to search');
    this.titleHeaderLabel = page.getByText('Title');

  async fillSearchField(q: string) {
    await this.searchField.fill(q);

  async checkSearchResult(q: string, items: string) {

  async checkBooksList() {
    for (const book of bookListData.books){
      await expect('link', { name: book.title })).toBeVisible();

  async sortBooksList() {
    await{ clickCount: 2 });

  async checkLoggedIn() {
    await expect(this.notLoggedInLabel).not.toBeVisible();
    // await expect(this.notLoggedInLabel).toBeVisible();

  async checkLoggedInUser() {
    await expect(this.notLoggedInLabel).not.toBeVisible();
    await expect(this.bookUserLabel).toBeVisible();

  async checkLoggedInAdmin() {
    await expect(this.notLoggedInLabel).not.toBeVisible();
    await expect(this.bookAdminLabel).toBeVisible();

  async checkSort() {
    await expect(this.gridRow1).toContainText(bookListData.books[1].title);
    await expect(this.gridRow2).toContainText(bookListData.books[0].title);

  async getBooksList() {

  async mockBooksListResponse(context: BrowserContext) {
    await context.route(this.booksCollectionRequestRegExp, (route) => route.fulfill({
      body: JSON.stringify({...(bookListData)})

export default SearchPage;


import { chromium, FullConfig } from '@playwright/test';
import LoginPage from '../ui/pages/login-page';
import uiPages from '../utils/uiPages';

async function globalSetup(config: FullConfig) {
  const user = process.env.USERNAME!;
  const password = process.env.PASSWORD!;
  const { baseURL, storageState } = config.projects[0].use;
  const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: true, timeout: 10000 });
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);

  await page.goto(baseURL+uiPages.login);
  await loginPage.doLogin(user, password);
  await loginPage.checkLoggedIn();
  await page.context().storageState({ path: storageState as string });
  await browser.close();

export default globalSetup;



import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test';
import baseEnvUrl from './tests/utils/environmentBaseUrl';


export default defineConfig({
  globalSetup: require.resolve('./tests/setup/global-setup'),
  fullyParallel: false,
  forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
  retries: 0,
  workers: undefined,
  reporter: 'html',
  // timeout: 5000,
  use: {
    storageState: 'storageState.json',
    trace: 'on',
    baseURL: process.env.ENV === 'production' 
      ? baseEnvUrl.production.home
      : process.env.ENV === 'staging' 
        ? baseEnvUrl.staging.home
        : baseEnvUrl.local.home

  projects: [
      name: 'auth-setup', 
      testMatch: /auth-setup\.ts/ 
      name: 'chromium',
      use: { 
        ...devices['Desktop Chrome'],
        storageState: 'storageState.json',
      name: 'chromium-auth',
      use: { 
        ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] ,
        // storageState: '.auth/admin.json', //use this in case you have multiple projects one per user
      dependencies: ['auth-setup'],