I have a table in csv file with 3 columns: "parameter", "value", "description".
Second row:

Third row:

Write JavaSript function to parse data from csv file so that each parameter can be accessed like this

const userEmail = data.email;
const baseurl = data.url;

Use this function ReadTextFromFile() which can  read data from a text file:

function ReadTextFromFile()
  var sPath = "D:\Files\MyFile.txt";

  // Opens the specified file for reading
  var myFile = aqFile.OpenTextFile(sPath, aqFile.faRead, aqFile.ctUnicode);
  Log.Message("File by lines:");

  // Reads text lines from the file and posts them to the test log
  while(! myFile.IsEndOfFile())
    s = myFile.ReadLine();

  // Closes the file

The aqTextFile object provides programming access to text files. The objects of this type are returned by the OpenTextFile method.

Also use the aqString.GetListItem method that returns an item at the specified index in the string list where items are delimited by the aqString.ListSeparator


function GetListItemSample()
  var str = "0;1;1;2;3;5;8;13;21;34";
  aqString.ListSeparator = ";";

  for (var i = 0; i < aqString.GetListLength(str); i++)
    Log.Message(aqString.GetListItem(str, i));

Another implementation

function ReadTextFromFile() {
  var sPath = "D:\Files\MyFile.txt";
  var data = {};

  try {
    // Opens the specified file for reading
    var myFile = aqFile.OpenTextFile(sPath, aqFile.faRead, aqFile.ctUnicode);

    while (!myFile.IsEndOfFile()) {
      var line = myFile.ReadLine();

      // Get the list items from the line
      aqString.ListSeparator = ",";
      var parameter = aqString.GetListItem(line, 0);
      var value = aqString.GetListItem(line, 1);
      var description = aqString.GetListItem(line, 2);

      // Store the data as a property of the data object
      data[parameter] = value;

    // Closes the file
  } catch (error) {
    Log.Error("Error reading from file: " + error);

  return data;