links:: introduction to playwright typescript MOC

Chapter 3.1 - Coding Like a Pro in Playwright

Chapter 3.1 - Coding Like a Pro in Playwright

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

//AAA Pattern

// [Arrange]
// [Act]
// [Assert]

const password = process.env.PASSWORD;

test.beforeAll(async ({ playwright }) => {
      'Test intentionally skipped in production due to data dependency.'
    // start a server
    // create a db connection
    // reuse a sign in state
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
    console.log(`Running ${testInfo.title}`);
    // open a URL
    // clean up the DB
    // create a page object
    // dismiss a modal
    // load params

test.afterAll(async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
    console.log('Test file completed.');
    // close a DB connection

test.afterEach( async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
    console.log(`Finished ${testInfo.title} with status ${testInfo.status}`);

    if (testInfo.status !== testInfo.expectedStatus)
        console.log(`Did not run as expected, ended up at ${page.url()}`);
    // clean up all the data we created for this test through API calls

// test.describe('Test Case', () => {
// test.describe.only('Test Case', () => {
test.describe.skip('Test Case', () => {
    test('Test Scenario One', async ({ page }) => {
        await test.step('Step One', async () => {
            // ...

        await test.step('Step Two', async () => {
            // ...

        // ...
    test('Test Scenario Two', async ({ page }) => {
        // Arrange
        // Act
        // Assert
    test.only('Test Scenario Three', async ({ page }) => {
        // Arrange
        // Act
        // Assert
    test.skip('Test Scenario Four', async ({ page }) => {
        // Arrange
        // Act
        // Assert
