links:: TAU Course Playwright with JavaScript by Ixchel Meza MOC

Chapter 4 - Element State

Chapter 4 - Element State

Automatically checked by Playwright. Is Element:

const { chromium } = require("playwright");
(async () => {
  // function code
  const browser = await chromium.launch({ slowMo: 100 });
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto("");

  // print the element state

  const firstName = await page.$("#firstName");
  const sportsCheck = await page.$("#hobbies-checkbox-1");
  const submitBtn = await page.$("#submit");

  console.log(await firstName.isDisabled());
  console.log(await firstName.isEnabled());
  console.log(await firstName.isEditable());

  console.log(await sportsCheck.isChecked());
  console.log(await sportsCheck.isVisible());

  console.log(await submitBtn.isHidden());
  console.log(await submitBtn.isVisible());

  // closing gbrowser
  await browser.close();